Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Backwards on a treadmill...

That's what I feel like...I'm having such a hard time getting motivated again. I've pretty much kept on my diet since Monday except last night was my brothers birthday and I splurged big time...but I cannot get to the pool or the gym. I feel like I'm all alone in this again. I don't do well alone. I have lost my swimming partner because of situations that I have no control over. (Please don't ask)It is pretty much impossible for me to swim alone, I get bored and I end up watching the clock the whole time feeling like I'm in high school again waiting for the bell to ring...not good.

And for some reason I just have no desire to go to the gym...I'm pretty down in the dumps and seem to have 0 energy. All I want to do is sleep.

That's all. I'm sorry I don't have any inspiration or encouragement to post, I'm in desperate need of some myself.


  1. Let's get me some goggles! ;)

  2. I wish mor ethan anything that could swim with you! I want to so badly but my stupid work schedule doesn't give room for it. Is 5:00 the only time of day they have open to swim? I am commited to curves untill octorber bit after that I don't know what I am going to do for a gym membership. You KNOW I am alway omn your team when it comes to losing weight, we struggle with a lot of the same stuff. I haven't posted on here for a while because some sitautions at home have left me discouraged and I have been eating like a hog and plumping up more and more every day. I don't know what to do now either Kathy :( I want to dive in like you have been, I'd like to do it with you! But my job schedule just doesn't give me a whole lot of time. Any suggestions??

  3. pardon all the typos, I have a cut on the tip of my right middle finger, typing is hard :(

