Tuesday, May 19, 2009

bad day:(

So today was not a very good day. I didn't get to go swimming or to the gym, instead spent my morning battling the ants that were trying to invade our home. I did well for breakfast and lunch then I went out for coffee with a friend, had a nice sugary, creamy Carmel machiatto which I thought would be my treat...then had chicken chimichangas for dinner loaded with cheese...if that weren't enough I then shared a half a soft pretzel and an icee with my brother...so not a very successful day...

But alas, tomorrow is a new day. I will swim and then I will walk 2 miles at Marie Ker park and I will have my morning smoothie and I will eat nutritious meals that will help me continue to lose weight.

Thank you God that your mercies are new every morning.

1 comment:

  1. Every day can be a struggle, good for you for not letting it get you down for too long. I am the queen of "I'll just start over on monday" when I screw up on tuesday! Hey what time are you walking today? Not that I would make you wait for me to get off of work, I realize walking at 2:45pm in the plamdale sun isn't as nice as the 10am sun but i thought I would inquire.

